
Ever since I upgraded my home system to:

% freebsd-version -ku

my nightly tarsnap backups have been behaving oddly.  I'm seeing the
backup process take much longer, and it is generating a lot more network
traffic than previously.

I'm also getting a lot of error messages like this (repeated for each of
the ZFSes on this system.)

Jul 19 19:00:00 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: Created
snapshots zroot@20160719-1900 and children
Jul 19 19:00:00 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: Backing up /
Jul 19 19:06:49 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: tarsnap: .:
Unable to continue traversing directory tree: Not a directory
Jul 19 19:06:49 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: Backing up /usr
Jul 19 19:58:26 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: tarsnap: .:
Unable to continue traversing directory tree: Not a directory

This is a ZFS machine, and I'm backing it up by creating a snapshot and
running tarsnap over that.  The script I'm using can be found at


This is almost certainly down to a change in FreeBSD 11, but I wonder if
anyone on this list has seen anything similar, and even better has some
sort of fix or workaround, I'd be grateful.  This has got me stumped.



Dr Matthew J Seaman

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