On 07/21/16 06:16, Colin Percival wrote:
> On 07/19/16 23:40, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> Ever since I upgraded my home system to:
>> % freebsd-version -ku
>> 11.0-BETA1
>> 11.0-BETA1
>> my nightly tarsnap backups have been behaving oddly.  I'm seeing the
>> backup process take much longer, and it is generating a lot more network
>> traffic than previously.
> Could you try comparing two consecutive archives?  In particular I'm
> wondering if ZFS is presenting files in a different order when tarsnap
> lists directories... that would be annoying and would definitely increase
> the amount of traffic because it would break deduplication of tar headers.
>> I'm also getting a lot of error messages like this (repeated for each of
>> the ZFSes on this system.)
>> Jul 19 19:00:00 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: Created
>> snapshots zroot@20160719-1900 and children
>> Jul 19 19:00:00 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: Backing up /
>> Jul 19 19:06:49 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: tarsnap: .:
>> Unable to continue traversing directory tree: Not a directory
>> Jul 19 19:06:49 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: Backing up /usr
>> Jul 19 19:58:26 lucid-nonsense backupsnap-zfs.sh[41680]: tarsnap: .:
>> Unable to continue traversing directory tree: Not a directory
> That's strange.  Do you get this error when backing up an empty filesystem?

Answering the second bit first: yes, I do see that with a brand new
empty ZFS:

lucid-nonsense:/home/matthew:# zfs create zroot/empty
lucid-nonsense:/home/matthew:# zfs snapshot zroot/empty@20160721-1011
lucid-nonsense:/home/matthew:# tarsnap -cf /empty@20160721-1011 -C
/empty/.zfs/snapshot/20160721-1011 .
tarsnap: .: Unable to continue traversing directory tree: Not a directory

This entirely failed to create an archive.

Interestingly, ls(1) says its the parent '..' which isn't a directory:

lucid-nonsense:/home/matthew:# cd /empty/.zfs/snapshot/20160721-1011/
lucid-nonsense:....zfs/snapshot/20160721-1011:# ls -la
ls: ..: Not a directory
total 1
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  2 Jul 21 10:11 ./


lucid-nonsense:....zfs/snapshot/20160721-1011:# stat -f "%N: %HT%SY"
/empty /empty/.zfs /empty/.zfs/snapshot
/empty/.zfs/snapshot/20160721-1011 . ..
/empty: Directory
/empty/.zfs: Directory
/empty/.zfs/snapshot: Directory
/empty/.zfs/snapshot/20160721-1011: Directory
.: Directory
stat: ..: stat: Not a directory

That's unexpected.  I'll ask the guys on freebsd-fs@ about that.


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