Dear Topher, Trey, Mark & Dawn, thanks for the reinforcement, good
Music not notes.

And yes, I have had Mike ask me if I'm having fun. He must have seen
the look of concentration on my face trying to decipher something on
paper :-)
I'm still curious to know if the professionals feel nervous before or
during a show, especially when performing in front of or beside
someone noteworthy?

My latest trick is a nip of Red to warm the palate and it also makes
all the notes sound much smoother.

Ok, I'm off to 'let it rip'.

Cheers, HK

On Jun 9, 7:29 am, Dawn Bradbury <> wrote:
> I concur....and AMEN! Mike always asks.."Are you having FUN?" The whole
> purpose. MUSIC-- not NOTES. AMEN.
> 2009/6/8 Mark Seale <>
> > Holstein -
> > You just have to let it rip.  Sit back, smile, and let the notes pour out.
> > You'll miss some, but you'll hit more of them.  I've been playing in front
> > of folks for 30 of the 35 years I've been on this Earth and some days are
> > good and some days just aren't.  The important thing is to play the music
> > you like and to enjoy it openly.  The crowd will get that more than the
> > perfect triplet you just pulled off.  Music, outside of Mozart, isn't about
> > perfection.  It's about feel and interpretation.  If you're trying to play a
> > perfect note for note transcription of a tune, you're playing notes and not
> > the tune.  The music will sound like a sterilized version of what was
> > intended.  So back to my original statement, quit thinking and let it rip!
> > Mark- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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