Reading this thread, I keep thinking of old karate movies where the
master treats the student like crap and beats their ass until they
learn and improve. Interestingly, while watching these movies, I don't
typically side with the student :) do you? In that same respect, I
have a hard time empathizing with a music student who can't take a
teacher who dispenses the raw truth. Money can and will buy you all
the coddling you can afford... but it just might come at the expense
of your playing. That said, the karate student in those movies often
becomes better than the master and kicks his ass... so watch yer back!

And Will's comment reminds me of my favorite Woody Allen quote: "Those
that can't do, teach. Those that can't teach, teach gym". This is
funny because it is often true... but so too is that some who can
"do", can't teach worth a spit.


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