At Thursday, January 04, 2001, 6:13:05 PM, Ming-Li has created the following text:

ML> The procedure you suggest would cause too much idle time, IMHO.
ML> (...snip...)
ML> What do they do while we're testing those features, sitting around,
ML> playing beta testers themselves, or?

Nope. Playing with other pieces of code, while maintaining a log of what's been
done and where. For example, while the testers are playing with a 1.30b1
version and testing the new template macros, the programmers can already get to
work on some addressbook issues, in parrallel. When the macros turn out to work
correctly, then the programmers quickly join the two codes (the improved
addressbook and the new macros) and again let the testers play.

I've done it myself quite a lot of times, although with CGI scripts and not
with shareware software, but what's the difference.

ML> Also, with my very limited programming experience, I think it's too
ML> naive to assume you may always add new feature without touching
ML> other part of the program. More often than not, you have to make
ML> adjustments elsewhere for the new feature to work. Of course, the
ML> better modulized a program is, the easier to scale it, add new
ML> feature, etc., but in reality, there have to be compromises here and
ML> there.

I happen to have some programming experience myself too, and didn't really mean
a complete "hands-off approach". I meant a simple telling the testers what was
added and what was touched: "New features: backup option; modified pieces of
code: adding new accounts, reading existing account files, account preferences"
- so that the testers can actually get to the testing, apart from simply
testing the program. How many bugs can the betatesters find, if with every new
versions they're told to test EVERYTHING all over again??

ML> I do wish they spend a little more time fixing long-standing bugs, though.



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