Hi Stuart,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 7:35:45 AM, you wrote:

> Hello AllĀ ,

> I  have 2 computers with Windows 7 and when using The Bat I find that things 
> have
> become  extremely  slow.   I  initially see things on start-up of The Bat, as 
> it
> takes  considerably  longer  for  any mail to appear. Once the messages start 
> to
> appear they then seem to take longer to load once they are selected.

I  installed Windows 7 just before Thanksgiving (about six weeks ago),
and  I  have  not  noticed  any  slowing  of  The  Bat  (or  any other
applications).   I  am  not  using  AntiSpam  Sniper.  For my security
suite, I am using Norton 360 version 3.5.

> Anyone  else  seeing  this?  Both  computers  were running XP. Both are using 
> AntiSpam
> Sniper.  One  uses  the  same  Virus scanner, but the other is using MS 
> Security
> Essentials.

In  all regards for me, TB 4.2.18 is running fine, as well (this added
for Maxim).

Take Care,



Using The Bat! 4.2.18 Christmas Edition
Windows 7 6.1
build 7600 

 Current beta is 4.2.18 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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