Hallo Roelof,

On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 12:04:56 +0100GMT (3-12-2010, 12:04 , where I
live), you wrote:

ST>> This is really weird (just tested again, fixed a bug with positioning
ST>> of the connection centre, restarted - the main window stays where it
ST>> was).  Did you install any new software after .112?

RO> Nope, no new software and according to Windows update no updates
RO> either between .112 and .113

As an add on I did an extra test:
I ran .113 on my secondary monitor
Closed .113 and started, v4 opened on my secondary monitor
closed v4, started .113, .113 started on my primary monitor
closed .113, started v4, v4 opened on my primary monitor
dragged v4 to my secondary monitor, closed v4, started v4, v4 opened on my 
secondary monitor
closed v4, started .113, .113 started on my primary monitor
Window size was always correct.

.113  stores the proper info about the position, but doesn't bother to
look for the proper monitor wehen it starts.

Groetjes, Roelof

01001110110101100011110111 - Well, computers think it's funny.
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