Hello Roelof,

M>> When I had The Bat to create a QR-Code for me, what can I do with it? Is
M>> there a possibility to save the pattern,

> Make  a  screendump  to  the  clipboard, start your favourite graphics
> program,  and crop the QR-code, now you can save it. 

Yes, sure... I mean... Seriously??? I hope not...

> There should have
> been a more sensible way to do that.

There _definitely_ should be a better way.

M>> What comes after the Code-Generation?

> Code reading, with a QR barcode reader or a camera phone:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_Code

OK, that makes sense. A QR-code as another way to transfer for example an 
address to your mobile phone. Thinking of that, makes this quite a fancy 

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v5.0.0.130 BETA with German language file [4.2.x_de – Rev. 
Operating system: Windows XP 5.1.2600 with Service Pack 3

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