> The Bat! BETA is available at
> http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/a-5/tb500145.rar

Quite   a   few  AVs  including  some that I've never seen before and 
stating with a regular killer.

Date: 07 Mar 2011 09:00:52
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 1286/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 1906/2047 MB
Address: 00B251C3
ClassName: Exception
Message: Sizes differ!!
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00B251C3 [00400000]
 00B251BE [00400000]
 00B1739A [00400000]
 00B1B0D2 [00400000]
 00473442 [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

Date: 07 Mar 2011 09:00:57
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 1275/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 1914/2047 MB
Address: 00A4B424
ClassName: EUnicodeException
Message: A filter fails to copy a message from folder Inbox to Meetings and 
networking. The destination BaseUID=0
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00A4B424 [00400000]
 00A4B41F [00400000]
 00A4A4AA [00400000]
 00A4B2BF [00400000]
 00A4AD85 [00400000]
 00AF4A4E [00400000]
 00A4B947 [00400000]
 00A4BA4C [00400000]
 00A467E3 [00400000]
 00B3CA45 [00400000]
 00B02CCA [00400000]
 00B02DCE [00400000]
 00B02DEA [00400000]
 00473442 [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

Date: 07 Mar 2011 09:38:38
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 591/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 1152/2047 MB
Address: 00B2152C
ClassName: Exception
Message: (TImapGetMessageContentTask.CommandCompleted) 
Folder: "Social networks" 
UID: 386 
Message doesn't exist (try to clear cache to fix this problem)
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00B2152C [00400000]
 00B21527 [00400000]
 00B1A909 [00400000]
 00B1B104 [00400000]
 00473442 [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

Date: 07 Mar 2011 09:38:45
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 591/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 1148/2047 MB
Address: 00B2152C
ClassName: Exception
Message: (TImapGetMessageContentTask.CommandCompleted) 
Folder: "Social networks" 
UID: 386 
Message doesn't exist (try to clear cache to fix this problem)
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00B2152C [00400000]
 00B21527 [00400000]
 00B1A909 [00400000]
 00B1B104 [00400000]
 00473442 [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

Date: 07 Mar 2011 11:28:45
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 258/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 819/2047 MB
Address: 00479492
ClassName: EOutOfMemory
Message: Out of memory
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00479492 [00400000]
 0047948D [00400000]
 0040313E [00400000]
 0047948D [00400000]
 00C05511 [00400000]
 00BDE965 [00400000]
 00BE3E9D [00400000]
 00BE322D [00400000]
 00480C1E [00400000]
 008E7C5C [00400000]
 00480C1E [00400000]
 00A31D98 [00400000]
 00473442 [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

Date: 07 Mar 2011 12:24:26
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 220/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 786/2047 MB
Address: 00479B6F
ClassName: Exception
Message: TImapSearchServerTask.Destroy --- NEVER INITIALIZED!!!
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00479B6F [00400000]
 00479B6A [00400000]
 0047F134 [00400000]
 00447540 [00400000]
 00447550 [00400000]
 00447540 [00400000]
 00404FC1 [00400000]
 00B1401D [00400000]
 00404FC1 [00400000]
 004685AC [00400000]
 004685BF [00400000]
 00468989 [00400000]
 00447540 [00400000]
 00447550 [00400000]
 00469187 [00400000]
 00469171 [00400000]
 00C1401B [00400000]
 00468534 [00400000]
 00482500 [00400000]
 00403044 [00400000]
 00405B84 [00400000]
 00406386 [00400000]
 00406ABF [00400000]
 00406A2C [00400000]
 00404C5E [00400000]
 00403044 [00400000]
 00404BA8 [00400000]
 00404F9E [00400000]
 00404BE1 [00400000]
 00404BF0 [00400000]
 00B15CF6 [00400000]
 00B255EA [00400000]
 00C76408 [00400000]
 00404BF0 [00400000]
 004481C4 [00400000]
 00B173CB [00400000]
 00404BF0 [00400000]
 00B17491 [00400000]
 00B1733A [00400000]
 00B1B0D2 [00400000]
 00473442 [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

Date: 07 Mar 2011 12:24:26
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 218/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 787/2047 MB
Address: 00C14135
ClassName: Exception
Message: TProtocolCmdTask.ProtocolCmdTaskFinished --- Alerady finished!!!
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00C14135 [00400000]
 00C14130 [00400000]
 00B173B9 [00400000]
 00B173CB [00400000]
 00B17491 [00400000]
 00B175E4 [00400000]
 00404BF0 [00400000]
 004481C4 [00400000]
 00B1E446 [00400000]
 00B1ED97 [00400000]
 00473442 [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

Date: 07 Mar 2011 12:35:54
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 448/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 786/2047 MB
Address: 00479B6F
ClassName: Exception
Message: TImapSearchServerTask.Destroy --- NEVER INITIALIZED!!!
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00479B6F [00400000]
 00479B6A [00400000]
 0047F134 [00400000]
 00447540 [00400000]
 00447550 [00400000]
 00447540 [00400000]
 00404FC1 [00400000]
 00B1401D [00400000]
 00404FC1 [00400000]
 004685AC [00400000]
 004685BF [00400000]
 00468989 [00400000]
 00447540 [00400000]
 00447550 [00400000]
 00469187 [00400000]
 00469171 [00400000]
 00C1401B [00400000]
 00468534 [00400000]
 00482500 [00400000]
 00403044 [00400000]
 00405B84 [00400000]
 00406386 [00400000]
 00406ABF [00400000]
 00406A2C [00400000]
 00404C5E [00400000]
 00403044 [00400000]
 00404BA8 [00400000]
 00404F9E [00400000]
 00404BE1 [00400000]
 00404BF0 [00400000]
 00B15CF6 [00400000]
 00B255EA [00400000]
 00C76408 [00400000]
 00404BF0 [00400000]
 004481C4 [00400000]
 00B173CB [00400000]
 00404BF0 [00400000]
 00B17491 [00400000]
 00B1733A [00400000]
 00B1B0D2 [00400000]
 00473442 [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

Date: 07 Mar 2011 12:35:54
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 448/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 787/2047 MB
Address: 00C14135
ClassName: Exception
Message: TProtocolCmdTask.ProtocolCmdTaskFinished --- Alerady finished!!!
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00C14135 [00400000]
 00C14130 [00400000]
 00B173B9 [00400000]
 00B173CB [00400000]
 00B17491 [00400000]
 00B175E4 [00400000]
 00404BF0 [00400000]
 004481C4 [00400000]
 00B1E446 [00400000]
 00B1ED97 [00400000]
 00473442 [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

Date: 07 Mar 2011 12:58:52
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
PhysMemFreeTotal: 784/2047 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 774/2047 MB
Address: 00479B6F
ClassName: Exception
Message: TMsgContent.Destroy --- NEVER INITIALIZED!!!
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20110228225329 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat500145.exe
 00479B6F [00400000]
 00479B6A [00400000]
 00479DD8 [00400000]
 0047B8CB [00400000]
 0047B9C4 [00400000]
 00403097 [00400000]
 004075DC [00400000]
 00404FC1 [00400000]
 00468B20 [00400000]
 00468A6B [00400000]
 00403044 [00400000]
 00404BA8 [00400000]
 00404F9E [00400000]
 004684E8 [00400000]
 004481BB [00400000]
 00C0D76E [00400000]
 00B9B7B2 [00400000]
 00404BF0 [00400000]
 00B99C06 [00400000]
 00A78977 [00400000]
 00A72A8D [00400000]
 00A29C6C [00400000]
 00A2A24A [00400000]
 00A29D12 [00400000]
 00A29ED4 [00400000]
 00A0FD5E [00400000]
 00A534AA [00400000]
 00C40E0F [00400000]
 00C40CAE [00400000]
 00C40F73 [00400000]
 00404E57 [00400000]
 0057B3FB [00400000]
 00447550 [00400000]
 0057F68A [00400000]
 0057EC5C [00400000]
 00474F58 [00400000]
 0057624A [00400000]
 00561BFD [00400000]
 00561C36 [00400000]
 00561E8E [00400000]
 00C8F4CA [00400000]
 00C94B82 [00400000]
 00C9B1D0 [00400000]

Best regards,
 Tony                            mailto:t...@parkinch.co.uk

The Bat! BETA

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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