Hello, if i receive a mail containing a > in the text, i can not select the complete line.
Try this: 1) Send a mail to yourself containing this text: Test1234567 Auz76"!-iU>zU5fsx 2) Try to select the second line in mail windows or preview 3) Complete Line can not be selected In TheBat! and Voyager 5.0.9 and other mail clients like Opera or Thunderbird selecting the complete second line works fine! Is this a bug and known problem? Or should i report this as a bug? -- Kind regards GwenDragon Webmistress Using The Bat! (ALPHA) under Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1 Website: http://www.gwendragon.de/ E-Mail: g...@gwendragon.de == PGP == E-Mail mit GnuPG signiert/Signed with GnuPG GnuPG-Signatur DSA/1024 Key-ID: 0x6E56AC7D4492AD16 Fingerprint: 0BC8 DDF7 E381 190B AF7D A327 6E56 AC7D 4492 AD16 == PGP ==
Description: PGP signature
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