Steven P Vallière,

This is not confirmed here.

> Before I start, let me say that I've asked this several
> times before and I expect to get shot down again just like
> I did back then.  But I still think this is a valid question:
> Why is it that few email clients will display images inline
> with an HTML message that TheBat! sends while they will do
> so for similar messages sent from Outlook, Thunderbird,
> GMail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, etc.?  TheBat! also displays
> messages from all of those other sources correctly, so why
> is it that TheBat! cannot CONSTRUCT a message that other
> programs can view correctly?
> I'm sure that TheBat! is "doing it right" according to the
> programmer's interpretation of some arcane point of "law"
> in the mail RFCs and the other programs are "wrong" -- BUT
> at least all of the others seem to be interoperable, while
> TheBat!'s method for embedding inline images in HTML mail
> seems to be the odd man out, at least as far as interoperability
> goes.
> Until we can convince the world to give up Thunderbird and
> things like it, shouldn't TheBat! play nice and allow us to
> create nice looking HTML formatted email messages that can
> contain embedded images and still look right in Thunderbird
> and its brethren?
> Perhaps there is a magic setting that I've got wrong (FSM
> knows that there are more than I'll ever know about, let
> alone remember!)  If so, could someone please tell me how
> to configure TheBat! so that an HTML formatted email that
> contains embedded images will look the same when received
> by Thunderbird as it does when I press SEND in TheBat! ??
> Please?
> -- 
> Steven Vallière | tb |
> --
> "If you didn't write it down, then it didn't happen."
>    -Larry Zana
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