Hi Tony,

>> Used  it  between  W7  machines  (notebook and desktop) as well couple
>> times and was all good.

> Were these successes with recent versions? I have just tried again
> still the same problem.

> I  have  about  20 email accounts to manage, mostly IMAP and I wasn't 
> synching messages just address books and settings.

I  was  backing up and restoring whole stuff (e-mails, addresses) into
one TBK, never tried partial restore. All my accounts are POP3.

Between Vista and W7 last time was about 9 month ago (you will have to
check  which  version  was  up to date then). Between W7 machines last
time  was about 3 month ago ; too much traveling lately so it sits all
the time on my notebook.

I  tried to use Voyager as well but IMO it's not user friendly process
and  apart  of  first  successful  sync  to  Voyager I couldn't get it
running  properly  (sync  of 9GB takes too long as well ; apart of the
fact  that I had to use huge USB stick to sync (more than twice of the
size of the archive = 19GB at least...)).

Best Regards,

The Bat!
Windows 7 x64 Professional (7601 Service Pack 1)
POP3 accounts (x5)

Thursday, October 11, 2012 (22:01 ; GMT+8)   

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