Hello Peter,

PH> Exception ElnvalidPointer in module thebat32.exe at 009E3136.
PH> Invalid pointer Operation.

I see something similar (or the same?).

I got a message "Invalid Pointer Operation" when I deleted several 
mails (one after the other) on my gmail account (IMAP). The mails were 
youtube notifications that get send when a new video was uploaded on 
subscribed channels (HTML Mails).

What I did:
The Gmail root folder "Inbox" was selected first, then the last
received notification mail (top of the list) was selcted. I press
"Del", message gets deleted and the selection moves to the next mail.
Press "Del" again and so on (Rem: Yes, there is a quicker way to
delete several messages at once, but what the heck...)
After about 5 or 6 mails the Invalid Pointer Operation Error appears, 
I press OK, it comes back. After a few of these, I get an access 
violation, afterwards The Bat hangs. I get a windows notification 
about an APPCRASH.

I attach you here the extract of thebat_exceptions.log of that time 

Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the behaviour. And I don't know 
if the Access Violation and the Invalid pointer operation are linked.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v7.4.16.50 (ALPHA) Pro on Windows 7 SP1 32Bit, without OTFE

Attachment: Invalid Pointer Operation + Acces Violation.log
Description: Binary data

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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