Hello everybody,

on Samstag, 20. Juli 2019 at 14:41  Gleason <sombr...@mm.st> wrote
re ...working on version 9 — will essential changes be implemented?  (was: The 
Bat! v8.8.9 MSI (3rd attempt))

>>   This makes me think that you don't know anything about HTML and CSS.

> Yes, I do know what css is and how it shapes display.  What I am
> saying is that, in use, my above statement is true and that is what
> matters.  Other clients do not display Thunderbird quote bars. 

  What is this "Thunderbird quote bar" you are talking about? There is no 
special Thunderbird keyboard with a special "Thunderbird bar". 
  We all can only use the standard vertical bar | (Unicode U+007C), or as 
everybody else. 

>  That makes Thunderbird unusable for me.  The Bat with a similar system
> would also be unusable.

  TheBat! is in error because it does not render email quotes in incoming 
emails of content-type=text/html. 
  TheBat! simply ignores quotes and renders them as regular text. 

  And on the other hand, in outgoing mails of content-type=text/html, does not 
mark quotes as such, but as a spreadsheet, so that the recipient email client 
does not recognize what is written for this mail by the author, and what had 
he/she quoted. Even less access the quoted mail or web page using the URN in 
the CITE parameter.  Of course, eMail clients are not the appropriate program 
for editing spreadsheets, so when the intelligence of a human reader grasps 
that what is coded as spreadsheet is actually what the author had quoted, and 
tries to use the text in the table, but will inevitable break the spreadsheet. 
>>   But you insist on making strong statements trying to dictate the
>> world how use this markup language and presentation system.
>>   And you want that the eMail client hides to the recipient, what
>> is a quote from an earlier message, and provide the link to it, and
>> what is newly created by the author for that particular message.
>> HTML tags are not made to create an appearance, but they convey a
>> meaning. Only by tagging a piece of text as QUOTE

> Not if that tag makes no difference in how the quoted text is
> displayed.

  Mr. Gleason writes like someone who is known in his little circle of friends 
that when he shouts "please kill me!" that he actually means "please kiss me!". 
For him it makes no difference what he says, as long as his friends understand 
his distortions of meaning. 

   But one day, someone not familiar with Mr. Gleasons ideosyncrasies will 
understand his words as they are spoken, and then... 
   "Oh, says Mr. Gleason. It makes no difference what I say as long as my 
friends understand my distortions" 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt am Main

using: TheBat! (BETA)
OS: Windows 7    (NT 6.1 Build 7601 - Service Pack 1)
CPU: AMD  amd athlon(tm) 64 x2 dual core processor 4200+
MEM: 4097 MB 
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