
Вы писали 17 февраля 2022 г., 20:06:16:
> Hello All,

> Loyal The Bat! users have participated in beta-testing of The Bat! for years, 
> but now every owner of The Bat! v9 license has gained the opportunity to test 
> the next major version before it is officially released. To take part in the 
> beta-testing of The Bat! v10 you need to register at our beta-portal 
> Fill in your name, email address and input The Bat! 
> v9 serial number (you can check it in the “Help → About” menu). Thus, you 
> will create your The Bat! Network account. You will be able to view the 
> revision history of beta-versions and download the installation file of the 
> beta-version at this portal. We plan to implement further features 

I do registered, and can't login. Try to reset three times a password, login as 
username and email - it not works. WTH?

Best Regards, George Salnik
RitLabs Russian Forum Moderator
'Using TBBETA' information:

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