
Вы писали 28 июня 2023 г., 14:33:59:
> Howdy!

> Вы писали 28 июня 2023 г., 14:05:22:
>> Hello Белрус, 

>>> I decide to merge all the calendar "threads" into one calendar thread. It 
>>> done, but TB! stores somewhere all an old threads and shows them (without 
>>> events). I do think that problem in that. Where am I can clear all calendar 
>>> cache in TB!? After cleaning I will try to sync my google calendar again. 

>> You can delete EVENTS.CFG if you don't have your own events/schedules in 
>> your calendar. Otherwise, it's a feature request to have a possibility to 
>> clear/resync calendars of a particular account

> I do delete this file, but old threads is still here. What's more stores 
> calendars data in TB!

> Burn them all!

>>>  it's a feature request
> Yep, please into to-do list. Plus add import/export calendar feature. 

Let's think that events.cfg kills all. It still not shows my events in TB! (((

Best Regards, George Salnik
RitLabs Russian Forum Moderator

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