
I just discovered an S/MIME bug (maybe, I don't know, two bugs in one),
which is really a FAT bug, if you can reproduce it:

I received a mail which ended with


This of course is wrong, it should end with ....org. I exported the mail
in unix format and the correct URL was there - so not the complete mail
is shown.

The mail (originating from Mozilla 4.77 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)) was
s/mime signed. What is really hard is that the display changes from Valid
to Invalid and back. I don't see a system when it shows the sig as valid
and when not. When TB! is started freshly, it normally shows as valid.
Then when changing the account, writing a mail in the other account, then
going back to the mentioned mail, the sig is invalid.

I can reproduce this behavior, and I made screenshots of it - the _same_
mail, with valid and with invalid sig. This behavior of course makes
s/mime completely unusable with TB!


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