
22 Dec 2001, 6:46:48 PM, Alexander Leschinsky wrote:

AL> JFYI: It was bugfix for beta 15

AL> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
AL> [*] Oldest messages are used as thread roots for threading by
AL>     subject/from/to
AL> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

AL> 2Jerry - OK, now I saw your technique and I grok it (but it can't work
AL> after beta 15 - and it is NOT a bug, but fix of old glitch with
AL> additional side-effect)

  This  "side-effect" looks more like a bug. And implementing it by purpose
of  fixing  another  bug  doesn't  making it "ok". Let call it "mistake" or
however you want to call it, but it's *no good*.

Best regards,
 Boris                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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