Hallo Jan,

Op een zaterdag 29 december 2001 om 16:28:06 schreef jij over "Beta/21?":

JR> -=/Cees/=-> That is correct, I always startup TheBat
JR> -=/Cees/=-> automatically when starting windows, and I
JR> -=/Cees/=-> always have it started minimized. But it USED to
JR> -=/Cees/=-> collect mail before, but now for the last couple
JR> -=/Cees/=-> of beta's it doesn't until I click the icon in
JR> -=/Cees/=-> the systray.

JR>   Hmmm. I just tested this & it seemed to work as
JR>   advertised, i.e. check on startup.

JR>   I assume you have:

JR> ,----- [TB! menu]
JR> | Account Properties
JR> |  Options
JR> |   Mailbox Checking
JR> |    Check mailbox at start-up
JR> '-----

That is correct.
I do work however under windows xp.
Shouldn't make a difference though, but you never can tell.

         -=/ Cees /=-

"I have nothing else to say. We...we did...if...the...the...I...I...the stories are 
just as they have been said."
    - President Bill Clinton, when asked if the stories about his extramarital affairs 
while he was Governor of Arkansas were true
The Bat! 1.54 Beta/20 [35099577], running on Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 

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