Hello list,

as I cought up to beta28 (from 1.53t) I hoped to find some things
to be changed. Maybe it's be design, but maybe not ;-)

 - 1 - Strange/wrong(?) behaviour of copy/move msg dialoge

 When doubleclicking a folder in the 'Copy/Move msg dialogbox' which
 has one or more subfolders, this folder is selected and used for this
 action. But normaly doubleclicking such a folder should expand the
 subfolder(s) - or not?

 - 2 - Autoreplied mails

 Mails which were replied with a template from the filter aren't
 marked as 'answered' (green arrow) in the messagelist.
 My wish would be a little option in the filterdialog for adding this
 mark. This would help me more than using the 'Open Reply' function
 (which is very nice at all :-).


 \_______________________________ _ _ _
 /  TheBat! 1.54 Beta/28
/  Windows 98  A 67766446
\ AMD K6/2-400 with 128MB RAM

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