Hello Markus,

 On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, at 10:21:22 [GMT +0100] (which was 10:21 where I live) you wrote:

MG> Hi,

MG> it would be nice if somebody would verify the following behavior.

MG> A message with an attachment exists twice in two separate folders (this
MG> not the problem but intentional), when one of it gets deleted (or moved?),
MG> the attachment gets lost.

MG> The account is set to store attachments in a separate folder and to delete
MG> messages when they are removed from the Trash.

MG> Could it be that when one copy of the message gets moved to the trash and
MG> deleted the Bat is not aware of a second copy existing and simply deletes
MG> the attachment?

I try it but couldn't agree with you:
here is how I test it:
1) create an account 'test_FA' with attachments stored in special directory
2) create 2 sub-folders in Inbox
   - Test_FA_1
   - Test_FA_2
3) add 2 filters to dispatch messages in sub-folders
4) sent 2 messages with the same file attached: ADRESSES.DOC
5) verify:
5.1) diff attachment ?
   found 2 identical files in the Test_FA\attach directory:
         - ADRESSES.DOC
         - ADRESSES1.DOC
   in Test_FA\Inbox\Test_FA_1\Messages.tbb I found:
,----- [ ]
| X-Content-File: C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Mail\Test_FA\Attach\ADRESSES1.DOC
| Content-Type: application/msword; name="ADRESSES.DOC"
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
| Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ADRESSES.DOC"
   in Test_FA\Inbox\Test_FA_2\Messages.tbb
,----- [ ]
| X-Content-File: C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Mail\Test_FA\Attach\ADRESSES.DOC
| Content-Type: application/msword; name="ADRESSES.DOC"
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
| Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ADRESSES.DOC"
5.2) del attachment:
     I delete the message in Test_FA_1 and remove it from Trash, the only
     file that was remove from the attachment directory was ADRESSES1.DOC

Regards,             Alain
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     ICQ 15511869
                     The Bat! 1.54 Beta/29
                     Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195Service Pack 2

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