This message: 08/03/2002 18:33 GMT.

Hello Ulrich,

  A reminder of what Ulrich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed on:
  07 March 2002 at 19:05:00 GMT -0300

UP> Using the beta 45 or 46 produce the exact same result when
UP> skinned by a third-party product:

    I didn't know we was talking about 3rd party skin programs. Only the
    skins provided by XP were mentioned so that's what I assumed he
    meant... My apologies.

Best regards,    Tony.           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/46 S/N A27A5E65
 Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 
 P4 1.7Ghz

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