Hello Joseph!

On Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 5:54:29 PM you wrote:

> The fact that there are some serious bugs remaining, e.g., HTML
> rendering and import operations, and the sense among some (not
> personally shared here btw) that the program needs a facelift,

Import issues I see the same as you. Only, I haven't ever used it, so
didn't actually "know" of it.

Facelift is definitely needed, but not a serious issue. "Serious" and
"Grave" for me means  making the programme unusable - at least for
newbies - in its core capability as an MUA.

HTML rendering lacks a bit, but I don't count that as an issue for two
reasons: 1. Some of the "bugs" are only missing features - and those I
can gladly live without (GET images). It's more a design decision
based upon ones philosophy. 2. If I have a badly rendered HTML message
- regardless whose fault it is - I just open the HTML attachment in my

> raise this in my mind: not whether B49 is a release candidate, but
> what type of release candidate is it? From 1.53 to 1.54 seems too
> small an increase, but it doesn't yet seem like a ver. 2.0.

Correct. I don't think 154/49 should be published as the pimpernelian
v2. due to the many new features and some major overhaul of source
code it would deserve a 1.7 or even 1.9 - closing up upon Agent.

Although I more than once in the past openly voiced my negative
opinion upon us discussing marketing issues, I think it is high time
to do that. The reasons are simple, this list was the reason 1.54
wasn't released before Christmas. And the points you raise in your
message are valid but need some customers input.

>From all those negative reviews lately having been around, which all
state "no development for a lot of time", I think a small boost for
RITLabs would be in order. And isn't it us knowing what is needed? As
long as we don't lose ourselves in details that may be unimportant for
the big picture.

Dierk Haasis

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The Bat 1.54 Beta/49 on Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

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