Hello Dierk Haasis,

On Monday, March 18 2002 at 08:25 AM PDT, you wrote:

> For a long time now I see people asking to "have it all under one
> structure" (not just in computing). I am deeply convinced that it is
> better to have specialised products. Why should RITLabs cater two
> different UIs - and that's what it will come down to eventually.

Not at all. I use Becky's Mail Client and NewsReader, both using the
very same User Interface, with my NewsGroups sitting in my Folder Tree
as if it were a another Account. All the preferences, menu items, filtering,
etc., that are available for E-Mail, are available for the NewsReader as
well because the same interface is used.

Granted it doesn't have the features of something like Xnews or Agent,
but then I am not looking for that as my News reading needs are not that
great. I only read a half dozen or so News Groups and do so easily from
on Application. It's an off-line Reader as well, and I really like the
ability for instance to drag and drop News articles and Mail Messages
into one common Folder dealing with the same subject.

Nick Andriash
Courtenay, B.C. Canada

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