Hello Tony,

Wednesday, September 3, 2003, 5:00:52 PM, you wrote, among other things:

RP>> I have now made up my own set of icons which *I* think
RP>> are much more sensible,

TB>   Well come on then, share em, pass em round!
Only  a  pleasure!   I believe attachments are frowned upon in this forum so
will  send a 'Roger's glyphs.rar' file as an attachment by direct e-mail
to you.

A  warning  to  others  who  may  be  interested.   The  new  glyphs are not
necessarily artistic gems, they are simple and, I think, intuitive.

The changes I have made:
A. In the View folder:
1.  The  'Next' and 'Previous' buttons are changed to simple 'Up' and 'Down'
arrows (Green). And, yes, I *do* know that the up/down keys do the same job!
2.  The  'Delete and move, up or down' buttons are changed to a combined red
delete cross and red up or down arrow.
B.  Generally:
1. The 'printer' icon is changed back to the standard, and familiar, one.
2.  The  'Trash  can'  is  changed  back  to  the 'waste-paper bin', just my
personal  preference.
These  two  icons,  for some unknown reason, strangely changed colour when I
cut-and-pasted  them  from  their original file to the new TB glyphs file. I
find  their  new  colours  usefully  eye-catching  and  merely changed their
background colours to grey to conform to the standard theme.

The editing was done with Adobe Photoshop 5.0

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v2.00 on Windows ME, v4.90 Build 3000

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