Hello all Beta testers,

Yesterday  I sent the message below.  There is the same problem with version

I normally have The Bat! (with earlier versions)live and revealed as such by
a  'tray'  icon.  The 'tray' icon is set there by double clicking the normal
desktop  shortcut icon. (The Bat! displays briefly and then subsides to just
the  tray  icon).  If  I  then  click  on  the tray icon the full bat window
displays,  and  I  have  it set to display as a full screen. However version
2.01.15 has produced the following different behaviour:

Double  clicking  the  desktop  icon  puts the tray icon directly in position
without the brief display of The Bat!  (An improvement) But!....

When  the  tray icon is clicked, The Bat! displays briefly and subsides again
as the tray icon. If I click the tray icon again The Bat! displays, but with
the  top  left  corner moved 'east south east' and a corresponding amount of
the full Bat! display off the screen to the right and down.

Can anyone confirm this?


Best regards,


Using The Bat! v2.01.7 on Windows ME, v4.90 Build 3000                        

 Current beta is 2.01.15 | "Using TBBETA" information:

 Current beta is 2.01.20 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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