Saturday, January 10, 2004, 6:42:52 PM, you wrote:

MW> On 10 January 2004, 09:56 +0100 ( 08:56 local time) Laura [L] in
MW> mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

L>> In the plain text/MicroEd preferences, I can only choose from a very
L>> small amount of fonts. All these fonts are serif. I would really like
L>> to view my messages sans-serif.

MW> Your choice of font is limited because you may only use fixed width
MW> fonts when using MicroEd. Have you tried Lucinda Console?

My personal favourite is VT100 which is part of the CRT Telnet program. or your local tucows
mirror. It is the best fixed width font that I have come across after
years of searching. I also have it in a nice 9point size if anyone is
interested, but 10 point for TB! works quite well for me. It doesn't have
cyrillic characters in case anyone hopes for this...

Best regards,
 davidp.                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/28  on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.03 Beta/28 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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