Hi Laura ,

> I would really like to view my messages sans-serif.
> Does anyone know how?

try this fonts.

,----- [ Bitstream Vera Sans Mono ] -----
| http://www.december14.net/bin/VeraSansMono.zip
| Free fonts!:
| http://www.december14.net/fonts.shtml

,----- [ Andale Mono ] -----
| Microsoft has actually done a nice thing, in that they have released a
| nice set of fonts for use on the WWW. These fonts will work on both PCs
| and Macs and knowing the flexibility of the Unix folks, they will
| probably work there too.
| http://cesnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/andale32.exe
| More Fonts:
| http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/corefonts/

have phun
Miros ;)

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