Max, [M] wrote:

M> I've noticed a strange behavior in View Modes.

Again..?! :)

M> 1. Create a new View Mode, e.g. "Sort by received, descending". Name
M> it "Mode1".
M> 2. Right-click any folder in your folder tree and apply the newly
M> created "Mode1".
M> 3. Manually change the folder sorting mode by clicking on the message
M> panel headers (for example, set the sorting by flagging, descending).
M> 4. Open "Manage View Modes" window. Now Mode1 has changed to "sort
M> by flagging, descending".
M> 5. In the "Manage View Modes" window, change Mode1 back to "Sort by
M> received, descending".

All done. However, I named my newly created view mode 'test'.

I resorted by From and ascending.

M> BUG: this change does not have effect. If you apply Mode1 to any
M> folder, it becomes sorted by flagging, descending; however Mode1 is
M> set to "Sort by received, desc.".


M> Is this behavior normal?

Not at all. You should be able to change view modes in that way from
different points and it should propagate from there.

M> Another problem: is there a way to adjust sorting mode within another
M> sorting mode? For example, when I sort messages by "flagging, desc.", I
M> need the flagged messages to be sorted by "receiving date, desc.".

AFAIK, this isn't possible.

Usually, if you sort in descending for some other attribute other than
date, you'll see that there's still date sorting underway.

For example, in the ticker virtual folder, I sort by Folder in
descending order and still the messages are threaded and each thread
has the messages sorted accordingly.

The same for unthreaded. For each group of messages sorted by folder,
the messages are in turn sorted by dates. I'm not sure if it's
received or created times though.

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