Dear Krister,

ST>>  The next version is scheduled for release in mid-April. And we have
ST>>   a lot of things to do.

KE> What i hope for is that the layout and interface doesn't
KE> change so that we blind can't use it.

We will be doing every new control keeping this in mind.

KE> As it is now, TB is accessible for the most part, only the
KE> html/rich-text viewer and the mail ticker can not be accessed by a
KE> screen reader.

I was thinking that HTML viewer is accessible by screen readers. OK,
it's added to the to-do list. Hopefully, we'll find a way to get them
working together. MailTicker cannot be accessed by screen readers due
to it's purely graphical nature. However, if there are any programmers
here with knowledge of screen reading techniques, it would be great if
they give us some hints...


..."Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?" - Frank Scully

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