Hello bats,

on Fri, 26. Mar 2004 at 23:17:31 +0100 Peter Palmreuther wrote:

> I just had a virtual folder saying 46 unread out of 15 total messages.
> Somehow wired.

Did not saw this yet, but happened also with someone else, IIRC.

> Additionally I tried to display only messages with a defined color
> group from all in all 6 folders and got not a single one shown. Then
> I performed a search, created a new virtual folder from there and
> expected the search result from now on being shown in this virtual
> folder ... I failed.

Confirmed. Virtual folders by colour group don't seem to work.
Adding "Size is greater than 0K" as a condition will result in 6.830
out of a search result with 1014 found messages.

I searched for "size > 0" and "colour group is green" in TBBETA and
SPAM. Got 1014 results in the Message Finder, which were all mails from
SPAM, because I use the green colour group to mark submitted messages.
The created virtual folder contains 6.830 messages (38 unread), which
are all from TBBETA.
My TBBETA folder actually holds 6.857 messages in total (27 more than
in the VF), with 19 unread.

After I moved the VF just below the TBBETA folder to compare what
could be missing, the Unread count of the VF was cutted to zero, but
it still included unread mails.

I then did Folder -- Refresh, which took a few seconds and CPU went to
the roof. Just thought that TB is instantly looping now, but the VF
It now shows 19 unread, but 7871 messages in total. That are 1014 more
than in TBBETA.
Doing another refresh I now have 38 unread again, with still 7871
Another refresh (the last one, promise ;)) results in 7871 total, 57

> So can anybody a little more elaborate on how virtual folders should
> be used correctly to make them /real/ useful? I get the impression I
> did not get the correct idea on how they are expected to work, yet.

You seem to get the correct idea, but TB cannot handle it yet..  :)

http://www.thequod.de ICQ#152282665
GnuPG/PGP key: http://thequod.de/danielhahler.asc

Using The Bat! v2.05 Beta/12 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
with POPFile 0.21.1 and avast Mar2004 (4.1.357).

 Current beta is 2.05 beta 12 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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