Hi everybody!

The 30.3.2004 at 23.55 Januk wrote:
JA> I can see the benefit. I keep communication with family in
JA> individual folders for each person, but often a message or thread
JA> involves multiple people. I only really want one copy of the
JA> message, but it would be nice to see it in each recipient's
JA> folder.

I still do not see why you would need to physically copy messages into
VFs. You can easily obtain what you want with VF as pure "view" to the
messages base.

Example: let's say you have Tom, Dick and Harry contacts. If you want
to have both one folder for each person and, at the same time, see
their messages altogether when they and you are involved with each
other in a thread, you can simply do these steps:

1. create a VF where you filter all the messages which have as sender
Tom OR Dick OR Harry OR you;

2. create three VFs (as subfoders of the first one if wished), in the
first one you filter all the messages which have Tom as sender, in the
second those coming from Dick and in the third those coming from

In this way duplication is avoided, consistency is ensured and the
user is satisfied.

Not only I don't see any real need to have physical messages into VFs,
I do believe it does not make any sense.

  Marco Lackovic

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