Hello Alexey,

in date luned́ 19 aprile 2004, at 02:08, you wrote

ANV> Then open TBPlugins.ini (in
ANV> The Bat! mail folder) and delete section from [plugin data] which is correspond
ANV> to BayesIt. After restarting The Bat! plugin will be silently reconfigured -
ANV> just check your settings after it.

I`ve deleted too much...
I`ve to reselect the plug-in and re-set all
options, also some that I`ve never heard:
In filter options:number of `juding` tokens i`ve find `0`, and
plug-in doesn`t let me close the window whitout specify a value from 1
to 1000... what is the old `default`? and for other options in this
window? tnx.


     Gian Matteo
     The Bat! 2.10.01 on Windows 98 4 10 1998  
     on a P200mmx/128 Mb 

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