Hello Jonathan,

   On Tue, 1 Jun 2004 00:22:34 -0500 (01.06.2004 11:22 my local time),
   received Tuesday, June 1, 2004 at 11:52:20 +0600,
   you wrote about "The Bat! v2.11 Beta/RC1 is now available",
   at least in part:

JA> Right... and I've not found a single document mentioning it other than
JA> the speculation in here...
Because TB's IMAP in deep is not documented yet... Believe me, I don't
know meaning and applicable area of some IMAP setting even after long

JA> unless I missed something somewhere... is it in the help?
Not (AFAIR), but I done RTFM approx. one month ago

JA>  And why is it still not showing the folder as having
JA> new messages? IMAP is really easy to find out if a folder has unread
JA> messages.
Because TB refresh (and other do the same thing) folders on predefined
interval, not permanently and you (maybe) have "Don't <bla-bla> message
flags on each check", or - found one more glitch

Best regards,
 Alexander Leschinsky

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 Current beta is 2.11 Beta/RC1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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