Hello Peter,

   On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 18:45:08 +0200 (01.07.2004 22:45 my local time),
   received Friday, July 2, 2004 at 9:44:18 +0600,
   you wrote about "BT Password Reset",
   at least in part:

PM> That's indeed bad style to have [EMAIL PROTECTED] bounce...
This alias was lost in time-jungles somethere, and now replaced in BT
with separate live-address

PM> Chances are that Alexander Leschinsky will read your post and help you
PM> out.
Yes, I can, but without username| passord it's rather hard

BTW - it's posible now to add real names into bugtrack's profile - with
this add-on life will be more easier for me :-)

PM> You're absolutely right IMO. All users should be able to change their
PM> passwords
They can do it now (under "My account" after login)

PM>  or apply for a new one on their own.
I'll try implement "reset pass" on login-page - there are some troubles
in this area

Best regards,
 Alexander Leschinsky

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