Hi Kevin,

On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 15:02:46 -0700 UTC (7/11/2004, 5:02 PM -0500 UTC my
time), Kevin Amazon wrote:

>> Additionally, the IMAP RFC specifically calls for the term EXPUNGE, not
>> purging, nor compressing. This IMO should be corrected in TB! when using an
>> IMAP account, to differentiate, correctly so, from a POP3 setup.

K> You are indeed correct. Unfortunately, many server side e-mail systems
K> (Exchange, MDaemon and others) make reference to "Purge" and not
K> "Expunge." Nevertheless, I certainly agree this should be corrected in
K> TB as it is very confusing especially to the new user.

yah, now you get me started on something else ;), non-compliant IMAP
servers. IMO, they should either follow the protocol (RFC 3501), 100%, or
don't put it out the product... you just can't have half-way measures. It
doesn't work, especially when talking with 50 different email clients as a
server would normally. IMAP servers, as well as IMAP clients must follow the
protocol... Why do some IMAP servers make reference to "purge?"... there is
no purge in the IMAP protocol!!  geesh... let's just make up a word and use

Getting back to the above, IMO, TB! should rename or add EXPUNGE to the
folder drop down list (hot-key-able for IMAP use only)... it is different
from purge or compress entirely. It has a different meaning, different
functionality. It is unique to IMAP.


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