Monday, July 12, 2004, 2:32:21 PM, Dennis wrote:

DH> Quoting Plan9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> But it's not a fair rule since many of use have not been featured
>> on the front of a magazine. It creates an elite group that excludes
>> the rest of us (discrimination).

DH> Well, let's think about this... There is always the police mug
DH> shots and wanted posters, driver's license and other
DH> identification images, image captures from incriminating videos
DH> (minus the incriminating bit, of course), and other sources.
DH> Of course, we'll need a rule regarding a limit to how much an
DH> image can be retouched--wrinkles removed, facial hair added, and
DH> so forth.

You missed the point completely by not quoting enough of the message.
My reply was to an e-mail from Thomas F. where he said in
TF> "If anybody has been featured on a magazine cover, then this magazine
TF> cover or the picture of the Rogue taken for that cover, is admissable
TF> regardless of whether the face can be seen, as long as it is not an
TF> "adult" magazine." So, the famous (by now) Melissa is not an
TF> exception but conforms to the rule. 

"Whether or not the face is shown!!!"  that was the point that I was
trying to show was unfair.  Not where a photo of a face originated.

Two strings walk into a bar. The first string says to the bartender:
 "Bartender, I'll have a beer. u.5n$x5t?*&4ru!2[sACC~ErJ".
 The second string says: "Pardon my friend, he isn't NULL terminated".

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