Zeynel A. Öztürk, [ZA] wrote:

> I received several invalid HTML errors with this version :(. These
> weren't exist on 3.0.

Yeah. It took some doing to get back to the previous version. A repair
msi installation didn't work.

I eventually opened the .msi file in WinRAR, saw the excecutable
listed and attempted copying it across. This aborted with an error. I
tried starting TB! and got an error about the executable not being a
valid Win32 file. I then repeated the .msi installation and finally
I'm back to v3.0.

So it would seem that if you wish to roll back to the .msi install
version, then delete or rename the executable and then do a
repair install of the .msi release.

-= Allie =-
The Bat!™ v3.0 · Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)

..... IBM: I Buy Macinstosh

 Current beta is 3.00.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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