
On 13-10-2004 19:22, you [JBL] wrote in
JBL> The problem is that whenever my filter for TBBETA is activated by
JBL> an incoming TBBETA message, the focus of TB jumps from whatever
JBL> message I was looking at to the first first message in the Inbox of
JBL> the JBLists folder (of which TBBETA is a subfolder). It does not
JBL> matter which account I am in, the focus will jump to that
JBL> particular folder.

JBL> The problem only happens with this filter, which was created in the
JBL> NFS.  All my existing filters in the JBLists account work fine.

I have this as well - well, I have not been testing it for the latest
(final) version, but for an earlier (RC5?) version, I have definitely
had this problem.

JBL> The filter is copied below, which might give you some clues.

This is mine:

$$$$ TB! Message Filter $$$$
UID: [4A87F17A.01C4A636.7BCF2732.0CDA0FFF]
Name: alt.music.rush
Filter: {\0D\0A\20`5`0`X-MyGate-MID:\20alt.music.rush:\0D\0A}
MoveMessage AutoFolder folder alt.music.rush

JBL> Ahh - a bit more fiddling, and I have found that the problem seems
JBL> to be linked to the AutoFolder setting.

I do not use this - mine is filtering stuff from MyGate to a fixed
folder. I have a lot of filters, but this is the only one I have made in
the RCs.

<greeting> Best regards </greeting> 
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>   
<thebat version> </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1</os>

 Current beta is RC/10 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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