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ST> (excluding help - I really do not have any idea how long would it
ST> take and we are still looking for writer).
This is clearly a problem and one that will bemore greater as time
passes; each change to the program renders the help more and more out
of date.

You (RitLabs) seem have trouble finding a writer and when you do
s/he's going to have to have time to know the product well enough to
write about it.

The thing is you are awash with people that (a) know a fair bit about
the product and (b) are keen to see it progress, that is the Beta
Testers. Other prodcuts have had help files compiled by groups of
users why not this one?

You would, of course, need to do a bit of work to start with. You
would, for example, want to set up - say in MS Word - templates for
styles and things that your group of volunteer authors could use to
produce consistant work. You'd have to provide an /in/ to the relevant
programmer to answer specific questions from the authors to
cover/clarify points that the user has insufficient knowledge on and
your have to set up some mechanism for receipt and compilation of the
help file from its constituant parts. However, I imagine that all of
this would amount to much less work than writing the help file
yourselves. Once the file's been written I imagine that there would be
no shortage of volunteers for translation duties.

What do you think

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