Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version
  Serial Number <removed for this e-mail>
  under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
  and would like to report a bug

  The bug description:
    VCard cannot be placed into the right group in the address book

  Steps to reproduce the bug:

    Create a VCard in one e-mail account.
    Mail the VCard to another account
    Open the new e-mail
    Click on VCard
    Click on Add to Address Book
    None of the address groups appear
    Does not import into the address book correctly.

  Ethan J. Mings

PS I know VCard is old school yet it is helpful for some of my clients
so please bear with me.


Ethan J. Mings
Principal, The Desk
99 Bronte Road - Suite 815
Oakville, Ontario, Canada. L6L 3B7
Phone 905/825-9938 Office E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 

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