Hello Nick!

On Saturday, October 16, 2004, 7:46 AM, you wrote:

PW>> Refer to Stefan's message of 13th October where he listed what is
P2>> planned for the Christmas release.


NA> Thanks Paul. I must have inadvertently deleted it, but I will wait
NA> until it makes the Archive List.

Too important to wait! Here's a copy-and-paste (this does further
illustrate the need for some sort of Flag to filter important messages
from the Developer to a place for the tbbeta tester's particular

===========Begin copy-and-paste from Stefan===========================

The 3.0.1 Beta cycle is now closed and we are heading towards the
traditional Christmas release. Here is a short list of things being

  - Improving support of Internaional character sets (proper handling
    of UTF-*, DBCS and Middle East languages)
  - Further improving IMAP support (folder counters, automatic
    filtering, sounds, support of multiple parallel connections to a
    single server)
  - Extended plug-in interface
  - Customisable toolbars (and possibly menus)
  - Wizards (discussion will be started as soon as we publish the
    first Beta and specs)
  - Improved Windows-compatible editor (proper wrapping, more
    functionality from MicroEd plus UNICODE support)
  - Adding message base encryption to the Professional Edition
  - Improved Help system
  - Further bug fixing, of course :-)

This is not a promise, this is our working list. Our team is in good
shape now and there is nothing impossible in this list (excluding help
- I really do not have any idea how long would it take and we are
still looking for writer).

====End Copy-and-Paste From Stefan in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] =============================

Hope this a help to you and others, Nick.

Best regards,
The Bat (Professsional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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