Hello Mary Bull & everyone else

16-Okt-2004 16:39, you wrote:

> However, Nick had inadvertently deleted an important post from Stefan.

He needs a cancel button for Delete! :-)
(...and a mailer that doesn't kill threading *grmbl*)

> If a filter had been directing it to a special folder that he was keeping
> watch on, he would perhaps not have had the problem of not knowing that
> the Bat Team had already set the toolbar as something that would be
> improved in the Christmas Edition.

Well, thats equally simple, since NFS is the same filter dialogue as the
one for the VFs. :-)

I actually liked Daniel's idea so much that I set up a VF with these
conditions already. I also found that filtering on Re: doesn't work that
good (because of the Re[2]: etc. stuff). So I catch only "new" mails now by
checking if the message source doesn't contain the "References:" header
(which indicates a reply).

So, the filter really simply is

 "sender contains @ritlabs."
 and "message source does not contain 'references:'"

Btw. there's a bug - it only works if searching "message source" (which is
very slow), if it's set the "header does not contain references:" its not

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)
 using v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

Deliplayer2 is playing: "The Ultimate Sun" by Cosmosis
     from the 1998 album 'Synergy'

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