Hello Stefan,

Tuesday, October 5, 2004, 21:57 you wrote at 

> The search works the same way as in the main window's message list -
Should it works also in filter list? Then I have something: 3 Filters:

abc (1. Filter - selected)
bcd (2. Filter)
gfh (3. Filter)

If abc is selected, and I typ "b" in search window, nothing happens.
If I typ "bc" nothing happens, only if I typ "bcd" and wait 2 seconds
(too long, I think) it works.

If abc is selectd, and I type "g" in search windows, nothing happens.
I must type "gf" to jump to third filter, but g should be enough,

If gfh is selected, I must type "abc" to get to the first filter, a
should be enough, right?

BTW: Can you give me a few word about

Boris Anders, http://www.batboard.de

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