On Tue 19-Oct-04 11:23am -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

> If user selects view un-read msgs only, TB! includes the msg that
> the cursor rests on -- which is not necessarily un-read. So, in
> fact, it doesn't seem that view only un-read msgs actually
> contains only un-read msgs.

I consider this a nice feature.  I have my mail marked
read after 1 second.  For example, without this
feature, an unread message could be marked read and new
mail could come in - hiding the message that hasn't
actually been read yet.

It also provides a starting point to begin reading (if
you sort by received date with newest last).

Best regards,

The Bat! Pro - BayesIt! 0.7.3 - XP Pro SP2 - POP3

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