Hello Dierk,

 On  Sat, 23 Oct 2004 at 21:17:54 [GMT +0200] (which was 21:17 where I live) you wrote:

DH> Hello Zygmunt!

DH> On Saturday, October 23, 2004 at 8:49:22 PM you wrote:

>> %IF:"%ABToMemo"="PGP":"%NoUseSMIMEUsePGP%SignComplete"

DH> Yes, that is a work-around, would have to add %ENCRYPTCOMPLETE. Two
DH> drawbacks, the condition has to be a bit more complicated to allow for
DH> independent signing and encryption. And you couldn't use the Memo
DH> field for other purposes anymore.

Why ?, I still use it for some macro that search for a word at the
beginning of the line and return the end of the line or a default value,
they all look like those 2 ones:

,----- [ GreetMemo ]
| %If:'%SETPATTREGEXP="(?is)^Greet (.*?)$"%REGEXPMATCH="%ABOFromMemo"'='':'%-
| Bonjour %ABOFromFirstName,%-
| ':'%-
| %SETPATTREGEXP="(?is)^Greet (.*?)$"%REGEXPMATCH="%ABOFromMemo"'%-
,----- [ QuoteStyleMemo ]
| %If:'%SETPATTREGEXP="(?is)^Quote (.*?)$"%REGEXPMATCH="%ABOFromMemo"'='':'%-
| %QInclude="Initiales"%-
| ':'%-
| %SETPATTREGEXP="(?is)^Quote (.*?)$"%REGEXPMATCH="%ABOFromMemo"'%-

I think that with a few more work and some delimiters, we can add
everything we want in this field ;)

Regards,             Alain

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