On Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 3:51:07 PM [GMT -0500], Mary Bull

> I hope everyone to whom it happens will continue to mention it here on
> tbbeta, or, if not already in a confirming note to the BT report, on
> Bug Traq.

What happens here is that when I close TB!, the preview and message
list panes go blank and TB! sits there for about 3-4 seconds and then
it closes. I haven't had it just hang there indefinitely leading to my
having to kill it.

-= Allie =-
..... If marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will have inlaws.
IMAP [ Client: The Bat!™ v3.0.2.2 Rush | Server: MDaemon Pro ]
OS: Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)

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