Hello Allie,

Thursday, October 28, 2004, 12:40:49, you wrote:

AM> On Thursday, October 28, 2004, at 12:37 PM, Alexander S.
AM> Kunz wrote:

>> But it does - no one forces you to participate in the beta test
>> program, aye?

AM> Why not stop this? MaXXX wants to beta test. He just wishes to beta
AM> test without having to use his working installation as the beta test
AM> bed.

AM> He's looking for and asking for an easy way to run another
AM> installation in parallel to the one he relies on for day to day work.

AM> Prior to MSI installations, it was OK, but there are little glitches
AM> now that he mentioned. I don't find his concerns unreasonable. Clearly
AM> Ritlabs did too and offered something before.

My own twopence: Yes, moving on to MSIs hase made testing betas much
more difficult. And, yes, RL should help on this. And, YES, MaXxX is
within reason with his request.

And, now that I understand MaXxX's problem better, I do agree that RL
should provide something that will allow two instances of TB! to be
used. With due care -- for example, by setting the second (beta) one
*not* to delete POP3 messages from teh server, one would be able even
to concurrently run the "production" and the beta without impact. Of
course, this still requires one to  duplicate the message base, but
this (I think) is a small problem.

And, again I stress, it is up to RL to state HOW to do this.

I am still right on what I said earlier, but I now think I was too
limited in my view.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

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