On Saturday, October 30, 2004, 13:09, Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

>> the old version filters for thread manipulation. I re-worked them
>> to meet NFS requirements and include them here as text attachment.

> There seems to be a problem when pasting into the S.O. - the whole
> "template" sequence after the "export.msg" is missing when I paste the
> filter into my S.O.

Before pasting the filter in to the SO, you have to edit it in e.g.
notepad to get rid of the extra line feeds. In both filters, delete
the extra line feeds after "template" and "CmdLine".

Over here, Add_Reference works as expected, Remove_Reference however
does not always import the edited message. Most of the time it does,
but not always. It seems like Remove_Reference cannot handle messages
manipulated by Add_Reference. They are deleted to trash, but no new
message is imported (tried with three different messages, all
manipulated by Add_Reference first). Messages not manipulated by
Add_Reference is most of the time imported correctly when running
Remove_Reference. Not always, but most of the time. I'll get back if I
find a pattern.

Marcus Ohlström

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