Hello Dick,

  A reminder of what Dick H typed on:
  30 October 2004 at 17:28:57 GMT +0200

DH> Don't understand the 'converted to bmp'. To my knowledge the file is already an
DH> bmp file. You just need to copy it to your TB program directory and be sure
DH> it's named 'glyphs.bmp'.

 Trouble with them is, they are the wrong size. I downloaded them,
 converted them but they don't display because the actual page size is

 Came into this thread with still over 100 mail to read so if it's been
 sorted ignore me, if not I'll get them working and post them up somewhere.


Best regards,    Tony.   
 The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush   31/10/2004 at 17:00 UTC   2ии4 - AWB

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